Wednesday, 31 August 2011

How to configure client computer

1. connect phone cable in the modem.
2. if u have type 2 adsl modem, connect ur server pc in one of the ports.
3. go to 'my network' option.
4. right click on it.
5. go to 'property'
6. select local area network
7. right click on it
8. property
9. select 'general'
10. go to ' internet protocal'
11. select it
12. click on 'property' bottom in ur right side.
13. click on 'use the following ip adress'

14. ip adress : ( u can use 2 to 254 in the last section)
sunet musk :
difault gate way :
15. select : 'use the folowing dns adresses'
Prefered dns server :
Alternative DNS server : Blank
16. click on 'ok'
Repeat the same procedure with other client computers.
How to connect a switch ;
connect a cable from router with server pc ----> conncect another cable from the routher to ur Switch ----> connect other cables from switch to client computers.
How to Share internet :
after connceting cables with computers, do as follows:
1. Go to My network places
2.Single Click on the Internet Connection ( Having ur given ISP name )
3. right click
4. property
5. Click on "advanced" option
6. Click on the check box "allow other network................. "
now ur networking is complete to use. Connect power to Router Modem, switch, and computers

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