Friday, 1 April 2011

100 tips for Optimize Your System part 3

21. Select multiple files
Select multiple files and folders by holding down the Command or Shift key as you click with the mouse. This also lets you select non-continuous items, so you can skip those that you don’t need. You can then drag them all to another location as one, or duplicate or copy them all in one go.
22. Open multiple files
Open multiple files and folders as one by hitting Command/O. Folders will show their contents, and any files selected will open in their respective applications.
23. Transfer multiple files
If you need to email or transfer a group of files, say via iChat or FTP, multiple-select the items or group them into a folder. Then right-click on the folder or items and choose “Create Archive” or “Compress” (depending on your version of OS X). Finder will then create a zip file containing all the items. The overall file size will now be smaller, so sending the email will also be quicker.

24. Make apps appear instantly
If you have programs that you always want to run as soon as you log in — say, iChat, Mail or an RSS newsreader — go to System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items and add them to your login items. (Remember, however, that adding lots of login items will make starting up slower.)
25. Automate tasks
OS X has a dedicated application for speeding up repetitive tasks called Automator. It contains all sorts of building blocks for creating automated workflows, called actions, which can be saved as plug-ins or standalone applications. So, for example, you could create an action to import a folder of images into iPhoto and then sort and export them for the web, or copy music from a folder through iTunes to an iPod then eject it. The possibilities are endless and there are many excellent free actions available on the Apple website (
26. Open applications faster
Rather than navigating to the Applications folder, use the Spotlight search bar and type in the first few letters of the program’s name. It will appear almost at once, and you can click on its name to launch it.
27. Quick connection
To connect to a server, simply hit Command/K and you can enter the address of any external server. To see local servers in Leopard, look under the Shared tab in the sidebar of any server window.
28. Save time when deleting unwanted applications
Be sure that you delete an application plus all its support files cleanly, efficiently, and as quickly as possible with the very handy AppZapper (
29. Reduce Desktop clutter
We all tend to drop files and folders on the Desktop for convenience and this can quickly become cluttered, slowing down your work flow. If you go to View > Show View Options, you can alter the way Finder displays items. Controls include changing icon sizes, label positions and whether text information is displayed as part of a folder.
30. Shortcut keys
By going to System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard, you can add your own unique key commands to open specific applications by pressing the Modifier Key… radio button.

keyword "system maintain,system speed, system tips and tricks,hardware maintain,how to improve system speed,how to optimize old system,how to solve system errors"

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