Thursday, 24 March 2011

the windows security dialog box

the windows security dialog box provides informations such as the user account currently logged on and the domain or computer to which the is logged on. this information is important for users with multiple user accounts, such as a user who has a regular user account as well as a user account with administrative privileges.

you access the windows security dialog box by pressing ctrl+alt+delete if the computer is joined to a domain or the welcome screen is disabled, otherwise the task manager will be activated.

lock computer

allow users to secure the computer without logging off. all programs remain running. users should lock their computers when they leave for a short time. the user who locks the computer can unlock it by pressing ctrl+alt+delete and entering the valid password. an administrator can also unlock a locked computer. this process logs off the current user.


allows a user log off as the current user and close all running programs, but leaves windows xp professional running.


allows a user to close all files, save all operating system data, and prepare the computer so that it can be safely truned off.

change password

allows a user to change his or her user account password. the user must know the current password to create new one. this is the only way users can change their own password.administrators can also change the password.

task manager

provides a list of the programs that are running and a summary of overall cpu and memory usage, as well as a quick view of how each program, program components, or system process is using the cpu and memory resources.users can also use task manager to switch between programs and to stop a program that is not responding.


closes the windows security dialog box

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