Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Firefox Referral Tracking Issue Confirmed As “Bug”

FirefoxThe last response I received from Adsense Support was “I’ve escalated your issue to one of our account pecialists for further investigation. We’ll get back to you shortly.” That was on Monday, and I still have not heard back from them.
However, a few days after the issue with Firefox Referral tracking first appeared on March 19th, I sent an email to my “inside” contact at Google. To protect his identity, I will refer to him as “Mr. G”. I was beginning to think that Mr. G would not respond to my message, but to my surprise, his reply popped-up on my iPhone this morning just before lunch. In part, he said:
I was told that there does seem to be a bug which is currently being addressed. I’ll forward you any response I get about the solution they implement.
So based on this exclusive information from “Mr. G” - Google is aware of this issue, it is a “bug” and it is not caused by “invalid clicks” as I was originally led to believe in my first response from Adsense Support.
So the good news is that it is a bug, which means the good people at the GooglePlex should have it worked-out soon. The bad news is that it is a bug, and it will be a while before it gets fixed - meaning many publisher’s income will continue to suffer until then.

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