Tuesday, 1 March 2011

85 Firefox Shortcuts for Mac and PC

Basic Shortcuts

These are pretty much standard shortcuts that work on many machines and with many applications. I can’t imagine working without them:

Cmd A = Select all
Cmd P = Print page
Cmd O = Open file
Cmd S = Save page
Cmd Z = Undo
Cmd Y = Redo
Cmd X = Cut
Cmd C = Copy
Cmd V = Paste
Del = Delete

Ctrl A = Select all
Ctrl P = Print page
Ctrl O = Open file
Ctrl S = Save page
Ctrl Z = Undo
Ctrl Y = Redo
Ctrl X = Cut
Ctrl C = Copy
Ctrl V = Paste
Del = Delete
Changing Text Size
Whether you need to improve readability or test your site design, Firefox makes it easy to change text-size on the fly:

Cmd + = Increase text size
Cmd - = Decrease text size
Cmd 0 = Restore default size

Ctrl + = Increase text size
Ctrl - = Decrease text size
Ctrl 0 = Restore default size
Changing View Size
For serious Web browsing, try opening up your view with a full-screen Firefox window (available on PC only):

F11 = Toggle full-screen view
Finding Stuff
Quickly summon the Firefox Help panel or locate text on any page. Note that the Find shortcuts also work on source-code page views. Must-have shortcuts:


F1 = Help
Cmd F = Find
Cmd G = Find Next
Opt N = Find Next


F1 = Help
Ctrl F = Find
Ctrl G = Find Next
Alt N = Find Next
Web Browsing
Surf the Web without the mouse! Here are some excellent navigational shortcuts for quick and easy maneuvering:


Opt Home = Go home
Opt Left-arrow = Go back
Opt Right-arrow = Forward
Page Up = Page up
Page Down = Page down
Shift Space = Page up
Space = Page down
Esc = Stop page load
Cmd K = Go to search box
Cmd L = Go to address bar
Cmd R = Reload page
F5 = Reload page


Alt Home = Go home
Alt Left-arrow = Go back
Alt Right-arrow = Forward
Page Up = Page up
Page Down = Page down
Shift Space = Page up
Space = Page down
Esc = Stop page load
Ctrl K = Go to search box
Ctrl L = Go to address bar
Ctrl R = Reload page
F5 = Reload page
Likewise, after using Ctrl+L to focus the address field, these shortcuts become very useful:


Opt Enter = Opens location in new window
Cmd Enter = Automatically add "http://www." and ".com" to the input location
Shift Enter = Automatically add "http://www." and ".net" to the input location
Cmd Shift Enter = Automatically add "http://www." and ".org" to the input location


Alt Enter = Opens location in new window
Ctrl Enter = Automatically add "http://www." and ".com" to the input location
Shift Enter = Automatically add "http://www." and ".net" to the input location
Ctrl Shift Enter = Automatically add "http://www." and ".org" to the input location
Here are some great shortcuts for efficient bookmarking:


Cmd Shift H = Go to History
Cmd B = Go to Bookmarks
Cmd D = Bookmark page
Cmd Shift D = Bookmark all tabs


Ctrl H = Go to History
Ctrl B = Go to Bookmarks
Ctrl D = Bookmark page
Ctrl Shift D = Bookmark all tabs
Advanced tricks
Here are some secret shortcuts for expertz only:


Cmd Shift Delete = Clear private data
Cmd Shift I = Open DOM Inspector
Cmd U = View page source
Cmd J = Open Downloads


Ctrl Shift Delete = Clear private data
Ctrl Shift I = Open DOM Inspector
Ctrl U = View page source
Ctrl J = Open Downloads
Tabs and Windows
Mastering the use of Firefox tabs and windows is an excellent way to improve your Web-surfing skillz. When used, these shortcuts will greatly improve your browsing speed and efficiency:


Cmd T = Open new tab
Cmd N = Open new window
Cmd W = Close current tab
Cmd Shift T = Reopen closed tab
Cmd Shift W = Close current window
Cmd Click = Open link in new tab
Cmd Tab = Cycle forward through open tabs
Cmd Shift Tab = Cycle reverse through open tabs


Ctrl T = Open new tab
Ctrl N = Open new window
Ctrl W = Close current tab
Ctrl Shift T = Reopen closed tab
Ctrl Shift W = Close current window
Ctrl Left-click = Open link in new tab
Ctrl Tab = Cycle forward through open tabs
Ctrl Shift Tab = Cycle reverse through open tabs
You can also jump to any specific tab according to its position in the tab bar:


Cmd 1 = Jump to 1st open tab
Cmd 2 = Jump to 2nd open tab
Cmd 3 = Jump to 3rd open tab
Cmd 4 = Jump to 4th open tab
Cmd 5 = Jump to 5th open tab
Cmd 6 = Jump to 6th open tab
Cmd 7 = Jump to 7th open tab
Cmd 8 = Jump to 8th open tab
Cmd 9 = Jump to 9th open tab


Ctrl 1 = Jump to 1st open tab
Ctrl 2 = Jump to 2nd open tab
Ctrl 3 = Jump to 3rd open tab
Ctrl 4 = Jump to 4th open tab
Ctrl 5 = Jump to 5th open tab
Ctrl 6 = Jump to 6th open tab
Ctrl 7 = Jump to 7th open tab
Ctrl 8 = Jump to 8th open tab
Ctrl 9 = Jump to 9th open tab

Changing Text Size
Just as with keyboard shortcuts, changing the text size on any web page is easily accomplished with the mouse scroll wheel:


Cmd mouse-scroll-wheel UP = Decrease text size
Cmd mouse-scroll-wheel DOWN = Increase text size


Ctrl mouse-scroll-wheel UP = Decrease text size
Ctrl mouse-scroll-wheel DOWN = Increase text size
Opening Tabs and Windows
Opening links in new tabs and windows is a great way to keep from going slowly insane. Here are some sweet tips to help do so:


Ctrl-click any link and select "Open Link in New Window"
Ctrl-click any link and select "Open Link in New Tab"

Shift-click = opens link in new window
Cmd-click = opens link in new tab


Right-click any link and select "Open Link in New Window"
Right-click any link and select "Open Link in New Tab"

Shift-click = opens link in new window
Ctrl-click = opens link in new tab
Middle-click = opens link in new tab
Closing Tabs
Closing tabs is a snap with these handy mouse shortcuts:


Cmd W = Close tab
Cmd F4 = Close tab
Middle-click = Close tab
Left+Right Click = Close tab
To re-open a closed tab, use Cmd+Shift+T.


Ctrl W = Close tab
Ctrl F4 = Close tab
Middle-click = Close tab
Left+Right Click = Close tab
To re-open a closed tab, middle-click twice (via the scroll wheel) on the Tab Bar.
Managing Tabs
There are several easy ways to manage tabs in Firefox:
• To open a new tab, right/ctrl-click on any tab and select “New Tab”
• To reload the current tab, right/ctrl-click the tab and select “Reload Tab”
• To reload all open tabs, right/ctrl-click on any tab and select “Reload All Tabs”
• To close the current tab, right/ctrl-click the tab and select “Close Tab”
• To close all background tabs, right/ctrl-click on the tab and select “Close Other Tabs”
• To bookmark the current tab, right/ctrl-click the tab and select “Bookmark This Tab”
• To bookmark all tabs, right/ctrl-click any tab and select “Bookmark All Tabs”

Scrolling and Other Tricks
Wrapping things up are some nice tricks for scrolling, navigating, and selecting text:
• Slow Scrolling — scroll the page line-by-line by holding the Alt key while rolling the scroll wheel
• Mouse Gestures — click within the web page, watch your cursor change, and move the mouse to scroll up, down, or even sideways
• Tab through Links — use the Tab key to navigate through any (X)HTML document by jumping from link to link
• Navigate through Page History — quickly navigate forward and back through pages by holding the shift key while rolling your scroll wheel
• Highlight Entire Word — to select an entire word, click within the word and left-click twice
• Highlight Entire Line — to select an entire line, click within the line and left-click three times

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